I'm in the Business of Ideation

People have been responding to emacs and my beard.


For a while I thought I did not have a lot to say. Turns out a lot of other humans are quite interested in the much of the same things that I’m into: my hatred for the mouse, and the consequent love for efficient workflows being some of them.

I’ll give the people what they want: I get to enjoy esoteric tech and spread the word, growing a cult, while other humans have enlightened experiences (believe me I do talk like this in person) and continue propogating the techno-propaganda about enjoying computer science.

As for really gaming the system, I’m in it for creating good content and a great way to do that is get a lot of mediocre content and ideas out of your system (this is not me doing that, this is a good idea).

Other than the crux of your content, I believe the personality of the conveyer plays a big role in its perception. I, of course, plan on delivering well thought out (majority of the time) videos, but I’ve lately been gradually unravelling more of my personality on the internet (an out-spoken live (low latency from ideation to speech) thinker that isn’t ashamed of being wrong or too opinionated) and I find this to be more of an interesting side-quest (my main quest is not the subject of this blog) than creating content with a facade of formalities.

Of course, I don’t want to waste your time when you choose to watch on of my videos (have been trying to make them denser and focused), but I also don’t like chaining my flow of thoughts by establishing a script before I record. All I do is make rough outlines even I don’t completely know what I have to talk about and let my brain do the rest of botching it up or elegantly crafting a polished idea : it’s fun and I get to maintain a degree of authenticity and transparency.

In the process of building the cult of bit-mages and laying the doctrines, I would want the axioms to be as rational (or hysterically irrational that they’re obviously sarcastic (you can’t be sure of that)) as they need to be to be generically accepted.

An blog like this is a mechanism I’m employing to leave the bread crumbs behind as my whims sway my mind between different points.

As of now I think:

  • it’s good to capitalize on emacs from a content creation perspective
  • all the time that I invest into it will actually be useful for someone other than me
  • maintaining content quality is going to be fun challenge while building my personality along the way
  • I do enjoy fame and money and all other side effects that being dedicated to a pursuit brings along with it, but …
  • I’m more into the idea of understanding computers for they truly are ingenious or stupid at the same time based on the algorithms that harness them
  • I believe the world would be a better place if more people publicly talked about their esoteric interests for an esoteric community can creatively achieve more than an intellectually esoteric silo of a man.

I’ll be writing more like this, without inhibitions, henceforth.