Common Lisp : The Series - 0.1 : Representing Programs
What makes lisp so unique is the way its code is structured - you definitely can’t miss all those parentheses. In this section of the series, I discuss the cause for such a representation and how that makes lisp unique in terms of how it views its code as data as code (aka homo-iconicity).
Further reading
- Python disassembler
- Homoiconity
- Byte Code
- S-expressions
- Common Operator Notation
- Abstract Syntax Tree
- The Blub Paradox
Call to collaborate
If you’re someone who shares the dream of making lisp popular and mainstream so that we can use it for our jobs and don’t have to switch to blubs to make a living (without denting its charm of course) , consider contributing to the notes and hit me up via mail or any of the other media I’m present on.
Wish you a serendipitous and sexpy future with lisp.