Adventures in Advanced Symbolic Programming : MIT-OCW - 6.945
I finished my first pass of SICP (structure and interpretation of computer programs) around 3 years ago. Since, I’ve realized the elegantly implicit existence of symbolic algebra in several domains that I personally explore on a regular basis.
That initial infatuation with Lisp ( and consequently symbolic computation ) has simmered and fermented enough in my mind to be realised as a potent generic thinking device. To cement my commitment to the same, I’ll regularly dive deeper into relevant academia so I don’t lose out on the joys of thinking for the sake of itself.
The first such rigorous choice after a period of seeking practicality when it comes to lisp is Adventures in Advanced Symbolic Programming (MIT OCW 6.945)
I’ll be updating my progress in a reverse chronological stream, along with temporally independent note nodes in the ideation buffer at this specific node